9 Min Read
Christianity in India: Faith Under Fire and How You Can Help
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3 Min Read
Sep 11, 2017
Could you imagine turning on the water faucet to brush your teeth, and brown water starts pouring out? Or even worse, you had to walk for miles to collect buckets full of dirty water. The world water crisis is a big problem. When people lack clean water, it causes far reaching problems. Children regularly fall ill, and their immune systems aren't strong enough to fight off the bacteria. Mothers have to walk for miles, carrying buckets of water weighing over 40 pounds on their heads multiple times each day. It's understandable that you want to do something to help. But there is also a right way and a wrong way to solve the world water crisis.
Ok, so maybe that’s an extreme example that you would never, ever consider doing. But I do believe it speaks to our overall desire to want to help. The numbers are shocking. Reports show that there are between 600 and 800 million people who do not have access to clean water. That’s a staggering amount of people. The number is even higher when you consider the number of people who don’t know the love Christ has for them and the hope He brings to hurting souls. We, as human beings, want to do something. We, as Christians, feel compelled to act. And simply sending money may seem like taking the easy way out.
The truth is, donating money to the right water charity is the single most effective thing you can do to make an immediate impact. Set Free has built partnerships and established trust within the local villages which allows us to train disciples and plant churches that understand the language and culture. Our evangelism and drilling efforts are much more successful because of this. It means your donation goes directly, and quickly, to the place it is needed. Our partners help create jobs at the local level which encourages a strong work ethic, promotes their economy, and keeps our overhead costs low. Set Free has the systems in place to make well drilling and evangelism successful. We provide lifesaving water. And clean water opens the doors for us to share the love of Jesus.
Set Free can do all of this for $5 per person. That’s all it takes. So when you feel like your donation of $20, $100, or even $3000 is taking the easy way out; if you feel like you’re just throwing money at the problem - rest assured. You are doing the best possible thing to solve the world’s water crisis. Your gift is making a difference.
See how far your dollars go in making an impact in the lives of others.