What is #GivingTuesday?

2 Min Read

Nov 15, 2016

Donation impact

What is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday began in 2012 as a way to focus on philanthropy and spread the word about giving to charities during the Christmas giving season. The consumerist Christmas culture is beginning earlier and earlier each year. Black Friday and Cyber Monday constantly tell us that we more things to be happy. Giving Tuesday is a great opportunity to push back and put the focus back on the true meaning of Christmas.

It also is a way to bring together the power of social media and the generosity of people around the world. Almost as important as the giving itself, this is also a day of sharing your favorite charities with your friends and family. Share their stories. Get them excited about the organization's mission. Bring awareness to the power of donations and small acts of kindness.

And this day of giving is making a big impact:

  • In 2012, $12M was donated on #GivingTuesday
  • In 2013, $27M donated
  • That amount grew to $47.5M in 2014
  • This more doubled to $116.7M in giving in 2015
  • Last year, $168M was given on #GivingTuesday

Jesus called us to serve the least and the lost. On Giving Tuesday, you have the choice to do just this by donating to Set Free.

What Your Donation Goes To:

  1. Give clean, safe water to villages in need
  2. Share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ
What Donations Go to with Set Free

Steps to Give:

  1. First, visit the Set Free website.
  2. Next, make a donation.
  3. Then, post and share with your friends on social media.
  4. Last, give yourself a High Five! Job well done.
Steps to follow for Giving Tuesday

The date for #GivingTuesday changes year to year, but the mission remains the same. Join Set Free this year by following the steps above and make a BIG impact in the world's water crisis.

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